Zommari Leroux(Arrancar)
Interesting, sometimes even hilarious character. But in general has such great power: his task - to harass the enemy
Senca: (R) teleport behaind target deal x3 agility, cooldown 1 sec
Ass : (D) amour. Allows the player to control the purpose of the spell. When ressureksione produces such missiles in all directions (8 pieces). Cooldown n seconds.Mana Cost z.
: (E) - additional sonido. Cooldown 6 seconds.
Passive - each time you use sonido / Senka creates a copy of the hero. The duration of 6 sec.
: (T) - ressureksion. Recharging x seconds. Z sec duration. Mana cost n. R (RES) - spiraling, stunning, pushing enemies and damaging them.
:F (RES) - an additional shield with half the duration.
The buildup: 115 agi, int.
Purchase: 6 agi.
Combo: permanent Blinky, spams.